Wednesday 27 April 2011

Kadoatie Feeding Guide

You've probably arrived at this guide because you are at a loss when it comes to Kadoatie feeding. Whether you're after the avatar or just another shiny trophy to add to your account, I guarantee that you will walk away from this guide with one or the other, depending on what your goal is Buy Neopoint.

We will go through this guide on a step by step basis, as if you were really feeding a Kadoatie (or a Kad) as we go along. First of all, you will need to take out a small supply of Buy Neopoint in accordance to however many Kads you're interested in feeding at the moment. If you only want to feed one, keep 5,000 Neopoints (NP) out to begin with. If you want to feed about five, it's best to take out around 30,000 NP from your bank. Now you visit the Kadoatery, and the suspense begins to build.

You must now wait for the appropriate time to feed the Kadoaties. While there is a thread running on the Games section of the Neoboards at all times, you should still understand the basics so that you can always feed on your own time. When Kads are in the "main" stage, almost all of them are now hungry and are almost ready to ask for new items. The main stage begins 28 minutes after the Kads were last fed. However, note how I said almost ready. It will take one more "pend", or 7 minute interval, for the possibility of the Kadoaties asking for new food to occur. There is no telling when the Kads will actually feel like eating. It can take anywhere from one to several "pends" in order for a feed to occur.

More terminology you will need to be familiar with will be the term "mini". A mini happens when one or more Kads (but still less than the majority fed at a main stage) are fed apart from the main. This usually occurs when a Kad asks for a "UB", or an unbuyable item. Minis are one of the hardest stages to feed during because there are only a small amount of Kadoaties to try to feed.

There are different ways to feed. One method is known as "shop wiz" feeding, or buying items that the Kadoaties are hungry for through the Shop Wizard. Another method is the "invent" way, or the process of buying a large amount of items and filling your inventory with food that Kads may or may not want. The final option is "SDB feeding". SDB feeding entails filling your Safety Deposit Box (which has an unlimited capacity, unlike your inventory) with Kadoatie foods and removing the food from your SDB when it is time to feed. All of the methods clearly have their upsides and downsides, but just the same, all of them require speed Buy Neopoint.

Once you've obtained the food the Kadoatie wants in one way or the other, you now must click on the Kadoatie's picture. If someone else hasn't fed the Kadoatie before you, you've succeeded, and a new trophy will be found on your account. You're also 1/75th of the way towards obtaining the elusive Kadoatery - Mew! avatar that is sought after by many Neopians.

Perhaps you aren't the fastest clicker, you dislike the stress involved in Kadoatie feeding, or you happen to have a ghastly internet connection. Do not fear: there is one last option for you to have the trophy or avatar you desire. The option comes in the form of, a Neopets' service and Neopoint selling website that is unarguably one of the best currently in existence. With efficient, reliable speed, the staff will feed Kadoaties legitimately (without use of a program) quicker than you could say "Mew!" After tiring of feeding Kadoaties once I had obtained the avatar, I decided to search for ways to "overfeed", or feed over 75 Kadoaties. I found NeopianBank and haven't turned back since. I've also bought millions of Buy Neopoint as well as other services from their website and couldn't be happier with my account.

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